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Gitbar 1 2 1 – Remind You Of Uncommitted Repository

GitBar will remind you of uncommitted repository. GitBar will watch your local git repositories and smartly notify when you forgot to commit your work. Use GitBar to check your work before ending the day. How it works: Once the git repository is added to GitBar, it is watched for modification.

  • GitBar will remind you of uncommitted repository during the day when you forget it. Will watch your local git repositories and smartly send notifications when you forgot to commit your work. Use the today widget during the day to quickly check if some modification is not safely committed.
  • GitBar 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币88元 GitBar for Mac 1.2.3 介绍. Programming is hard! At the end of the day, it is easy to forget to save our work, to commit and push to out remote GIT server. GitBar will remind you of uncommitted repository during the day when you forget it.
  • Git push origin:work1 (to delete branch on remote repository) You have done some changes in your local tracking branch, but you want to work on different branch and come back. If you have new file, then add it to the index. Git add newfile; Do changes in current indexed file file1. Git stash; git checkout master; do some work on master branch.

Last Updated on March 7, 2017 by

GitBar – the menu bar git repository notifier 1.2.1

Developer: Pico mama


Programming is hard!
Anymp4 avchd converter 6 2 37. At the end of the day, it is easy to forget to save our work, to commit and push to out remote GIT server.

GitBar will remind you of uncommitted repository during the day when you forget it. GitBar will watch your local git repositories and smartly send notifications when you forgot to commit your work.

Use the today widget during the day to quickly check if some modification is not safely committed.
> Use the shortcut to quicky open the menu and access the repository that needs to be committed

# How it works

Once the git repository is added to gitbar it is watched for modification.
The state of the source is represented in the icon in gitbar

# Icons
The icon shape indicates the current status of the repository
* Source is committed and modification are in sync with remote
* Source is committed but a push to remote is needed
* Source needs to be committed

# Colors
The icons color indicates the age of the last modification.
* Last modification is a few minutes ago
* Source are older than 30 minutes
* Last modification is older than 2 hours, better commit!

GitBar uses MacOS notification to notify when a repository is left with modifications for a long time.
Clicking on the notification opens the preferred git client to quickly commit.

# Preferred Git Client
Selecting the repository in the GitBar menu or clicking on the notifications will open the preferred git client.
The app is used as preferred client is asked the first time repository is selected. If none is selected, Finder will be used.

More information can be found at http://www.picomama.co/gitbar

Gitbar 1 2 1 – Remind You Of Uncommitted Repository List

What’s New in Version 1.2.1

Fixed a memory leak

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Gitbar 1 2 1 – Remind You Of Uncommitted Repository Download

Last Updated on June 19, 2017 by

GitBar – menu bar git notifier 1.2.3

Developer: Pico mama


Programming is hard!
At the end of the day, it is easy to forget to save our work, to commit and push to out remote GIT server.

GitBar will remind you of uncommitted repository during the day when you forget it. GitBar will watch your local git repositories and smartly send notifications when you forgot to commit your work.

Use the today widget during the day to quickly check if some modification is not safely committed.
> Use the shortcut to quicky open the menu and access the repository that needs to be committed

# How it works

Once the git repository is added to gitbar it is watched for modification.
The state of the source is represented in the icon in gitbar

# Icons
The icon shape indicates the current status of the repository
* Source is committed and modification are in sync with remote
* Source is committed but a push to remote is needed
* Source needs to be committed

# Colors
The icons color indicates the age of the last modification.
* Last modification is a few minutes ago
* Source are older than 30 minutes
* Last modification is older than 2 hours, better commit!

Gitbar 1 2 1 – Remind You Of Uncommitted Repository Full

GitBar uses MacOS notification to notify when a repository is left with modifications for a long time.
Clicking on the notification opens the preferred git client to quickly commit.

Fire software free download. # Preferred Git Client
Selecting the repository in the GitBar menu or clicking on the notifications will open the preferred git client.
The app is used as preferred client is asked the first time repository is selected. If none is selected, Finder will be used.

Os x mountain lion installer app torrent. More information can be found at http://www.picomama.co/gitbar

What’s New in Version 1.2.3

* fixed a problem when “sleeping” notifications
* fixed about window positioning

Gitbar 1 2 1 – Remind You Of Uncommitted Repository

Download GitBar for macOS Free Cracked


Gitbar 1 2 1 – Remind You Of Uncommitted Repository
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